Women categories:
Men categories
New category regardless of gender and age:
MITSONIA 2020 participation fee is 10 euros.
Registrations are made electronically until July 19, 2020 or by phone at Lesvos ride +30 6937083538. The secretariat will not be located at the starting point. At the starting point and an hour earlier, you will receive the athlete’s bag with the athlete’s number.
An official Doctor for the race is foreseen, set by the organizers. If the race doctor’s opinion is that an athlete is in a condition that does not allow him to continue, then the athlete is obliged to deliver his number and not to continue the race and to follow the instructions and orders of the Doctor. At all checkpoints, each athlete can report any medical issues he or she is experiencing, and at these stations, first aid and medical kit-supplies for minor accidents are provided. The organization of the race has taken care of a system of security volunteers and a rescue team from Lesvos.
Upon completion of the electronic registration, the athlete declares that he accepts the current regulations of the event, must respect them, obey the instructions of the organizing committee, the security officials and the judges of the event. He/she understands that he/she will move in a mountainous environment, with difficult terrain and during the routes he/she will be exposed to the weather conditions that will prevail in the area on that particular day. It is pointed out that the athletes participate in the race at their own risk and with the condition of a statement of Responsible Registration which is recorded by the electronic registration system. The organization monitors the routes, as far as is possible, to avoid any surprises and provides medical assistance to athletes who will be in need with the help of the Medical Team and other volunteer teams such as the Lesvos Rescue Team. In cases where the judges indicate to the athletes that they need to change direction for safety reasons, the athletes are obliged to obey. Denial of compliance means exclusion.
The Organizing Committee in cooperation with the Judging Committee may at any time modify the routes if for any reason there is a risk to the safety of the athletes. They can also delay the start or even cancel or postpone the event at their discretion for better service of the race or due to bad weather or other force majeure. In any case, any changes that occur will be announced in advance, before the day of the event or by relevant announcements on the day of the event. Any amendment deemed necessary by the committee shall not be called into question.
The organization reserves the right to amend these regulations without prior notice if deemed necessary. In no case will any change alter the style of the event.
All the following violations result in a penalty of exclusion:
Objections for any reason are made only by the athlete himself no later than 30 minutes after the end and costs 50 euros. Any objections must be submitted in writing to the secretariat of the race. The decision of the Appeals Committee, composed of the Critics Officer, the Head of the Organization and the responsible stationmasters in whose area of responsibility any incident was recorded, shall be issued no later than the time of the awards and shall be final.
With the participation application, each athlete allows the organizer to photograph and videotape, during the routes and awards, for advertising purposes, knowing that his face may appear in photos or videos, without his permission and without claim of any compensation from the publication of the material.
The organizers of the race reserve the right not to allow an athlete to complete the route if there is a relevant opinion of the race doctor. The organizers of the race are not responsible for the death, injury or any damage to the health of the competitors, who by submitting the application, declare that they are aware of the dangers that exist in the mountainous environment and assure that their state of health is good and allows them to race, and have recently been examined by a doctor for this issue. However, no athlete will be required to provide a medical certificate. Athletes themselves are required to undergo regular medical check-ups to check their health. The Commission shall renounce any liability for the physical integrity of the Athletes, who shall act responsibly at points along the route where the risk of falling with unpleasant or fatal outcomes is increased. The Commission disclaims any financial liability in the event of external assistance to any athlete.
For clarifications and more information regarding the race, call: +30 6937083538 or email: [email protected]
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