Anagnostirio “ANAPTIXI”
Don’t miss a visit to the cultural center of Agiasos and learn about their current events! Since 1894 (during the Turkish Occupation on Lesvos) the “Anagnostirio” of Agiasos called “ANAPTIXI” (which means development and progress) was created. It is a non-profit Cultural Association, with an intense and varied activity in the educational, theatrical, cultural and artistic sectors and there are many year-round seminars and events organized in the building of Anagnostirio, it’s Folk Art Museum or Agiasos in general! Anagnostirio has decisively influenced the social and cultural life of Agiasos and Lesvos in general not only with its rich Library (around 25.000 volumes which most of them are archived online!) but also with the promotion of remarkable theatrical and musical dance performances in its famous cinema theater with a capacity of 300 seats (made in 1964!) by the designs of the architect G. Gianouleli and the painter G. Tsarouchis. Also, Anagnostirio has a very active social club with around 120 members where lectures are organized in (mostly) traditional dancing, classical and traditional instruments with a great importance (and excellence!) in “santouri” (a variation of a zither) but also theatrical lectures for young and mature students. A great importance is given in the preservation and promotion of the local and Asia Minor’s cultural tradition but also the Lesbian ethography and Agiasos’ unique dialect. Last but not least from an early time the Anagnostirio was interested in the carnival and it has been organizing carnival events in Agiasos from 1937 until today! But the biggest success of the Reading Room is that it has managed to bring together and express all social groups, all ages and all occupations. That is why it exists and is a refreshing lighthouse of the Aegean, an inexorable light in the temperament of popular culture. Know and anonymous express their admiration. Laudatory judgments and many distinctions, such as the award from the Academy of Athens in 1977, are praiseworthy. Learn more about Anagnostirio by visiting their website here.

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