10.00am Departure from the upper part of the village to Kaboudi area where the
famous Brasilionico Grupo Percussivo band from neighboring Chios will join us!!! The group of drummers will start from the top of the village and will be accompanied by the volunteers of Visit Agiasos disguised in an impromptu carnival costume titled: (in a free translation) “The clever bird gets caught by the leg” (the costumes are available from Visit Agiasos).
In this carnival event we promote our unique slang, which we feel proud of, wanting to make it known and spreading to future generations. Together we descend the picturesque cobblestones of the village accompanied by the samba rhythm.
We are looking to find the ceramic tiles with the digital signals that “speak” to us… The tiles have been crafted by a local ceramist, placed in historic sites and buildings and through the application of your mobile QR Code Scanner (or camera) we link to Visit Agiasos website and receive additional information on each building. Anyone who can find every single one (14 in total) and take pictures with their cellphone will win a unique hand-maned ceramic mask as a prize.
Our aim is to link tradition and history with technology and we believe that this activity will stimulate students’ interest and will be a tool for self-guided tours throughout the year.
1.00 pm Finally we will all gather in the decorated area of the Municipal Park located at the
entrance of the village and will present the following carnival activities for children and
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